Our Weekly Services
Due to covid-19 there are no services taking place on the premises
We are delighted to have you worship with us today. We encourage you to enjoy the move of the Spirit of God. We serve a true and living God who is merciful and plentiful in blessings. We hope you will feel at home among us. And pray that the Spoken Word will richly bless you today and through the coming week. We invite you to experience the love and fellowship of the Saints of God. Feel free to attend any our services throughout the week. May God Bless You Richly!
The order of the service is subject to change by the leading of the Holy Ghost!

Sunday Morning
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship

Wednesday Night Bible Study
Wednesdays are our bible study nights. Every session starts promptly at 7 PM with prayer. On a quarterly basis, various Biblical topics are discussed. Our goal is to ignite a passion to dig into God's Word.

Community Food Bank

Weekly Virtual Prayer
Vegas View currently has prayer via our prayer line Monday thru Saturday at 10 AM. Please join us by calling 1-339-207-6802